1. Become part of a growing and supportive online writing community featuring writers from across the world.

2. Expand your reach by becoming a TBag Press contributing writer. Your posts will reach the TBag community and has the chance of being featured in our newsletter and on our social media platforms.
3. Boost your writing portfolio by contributing content to TBag Press. Not only will it give you the visibility you desire, but it will also help to sharpen your writing skills.
4. Because being part of a writing community can fuel your desire to write, connect you with like-minded people, and give you the support you need to help you along on your writing journey.
5. Become an online writing pro while gaining followers, readers, and friends, all while having fun doing so.
Are you ready to become a TBag Press contributing writer? Join our community and once approved, let us know that you are interested in contributing content and we will hook you up.